
In today’s fluid business environment, it is inevitable that, from time to time, organisations need to streamline or restructure their operations and resources.

Reputable and responsible employers increasingly recognise the value of outplacement support in order to take care of their impacted employees’ futures.

Outplacement helps soften the blow and gets people into new employment more quickly. It also improves the reputation of a company as an employer that cares about its people and therefore may positively affect employer branding and future talent attraction.

From individuals to complex multi-site downsizing, our tailor made outplacement programmes provide employees with the reassurance and tools they need during a transition.

Individual outplacement

Individual outplacement:

  • Personalised approach that provides one-on-one career coaching and individualised support is proven to be more successful in placing job seekers in desirable roles
  • Programmes covering all seniority levels and flexible durations from 1 to 12 months
  • Professional career counselling offered by experienced career coaches + virtual support services
  • Optional access to Thrive, our upskilling/reskilling platform
How we help organisations
  • Elevate and strengthen reputation and brand
  • Ensure a smooth transition to minimise costs and risks
  • Minimise damage to staff morale and increase engagement
  • Provide necessary training and preparation for your management team prior to the change
How we help employees
  • Rebuild their confidence
  • Approach their job search strategically
  • Articulate values
  • Create a pitch and personal brand
  • Significantly speed up their landing rates by helping them find and successfully attain new career opportunities that fit their interests and skills

Collective outplacement

  • Comprehensive solutions to accompany organisations from planning stage all the way to improving the morale of remaining staff
  • Group career coaching and job fairs offered to multiple employees at once
  • Digital outplacement services accessible online enable people to get the help they need when and where convenient for them
  • Optional access to Thrive, our upskilling/reskilling platform

Typical collective outplacement process:


  • Project planning
  • Implementation strategy
  • Communication timeline
  • Logistics
  • Severance calculations
  • Documentation

Announcement Day:

  • Manager training on how to deliver notification
  • Announcement day on-site operational support
  • Gemini consultants present if required


Supporting Exiting Employees:

  • Programmes tailored to best fit needs of exiting employees
  • Group workshops and individual/online support

Supporting Remaining Employees:

  • Workshops to re-engage with staff, repair trust and boost productivity, avoiding further attrition
Gemini Personnel

Gemini Development

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